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yoga photos April 2023

One of my favorite styles of photography is taking yoga photos. Since I like to teach and practice yoga myself, I find joy creating shapes and capturing different movement as expressions with my clients.

I met the above yogi's Natalie and Shelley a few years ago when I was hired at Reach Yoga. They have both done multiple teacher trainings and led other new instructors through trainings as well. This summer they are leading their first yoga retreat in Costa Rica, so they asked if I could take some photos to promote their trip.

To learn more about their August 2023 Costa Rica retreat visit their website here

"The best weight you'll ever lose is the weight of other people's opinions."

  • Who would you be if no one was watching?

  • How can you live more authentically without the concern of judgment from others or yourself?

Through the practice of yoga we are able to soften into ourselves and find confidence in who we truly are.

If you're a San Diego local, check out one of Natalie or Shelley's classes! They both teach at Reach Yoga in Pacific Beach and YogaSix in Bay Park.

"The habits you created to survive will no longer serve you when it's time to thrive. Get out of survival mode. New habits, New life."

I met Laura at Reach Yoga as well, and we had taken some yoga photos a couple years ago. When she asked to take some more with her friend Cass I was excited to jump behind my lens and capture these beauties at the beach.

For anyone in San Diego who would like to take one of their classes, Laura teaches at Reach Yoga in Pacific Beach and Cass teaches at YogaSix in Bay Park.

Are you looking for some new content? Book a session with me by sending me an email:




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Hi! I'm Britt, and the creator of Modern Gypsy Dream.

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